Israel Daily News – War Day 333 | September 03, 2024

Israel Daily News – War Day 333 | September 03, 2024
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Dear Pastor Vinay, we serve the same Lord, so you are my brother, conservative or pentecostal (I am), doesn't matter! We have to stand for the Homeland, JWH told Abraham to be for our fellow Jews.
Each day I pray for Israel and for Muslim to find love of Jesus.
Anger and hatred is fuel for Satan and Hamas is its son.
As so much anger and pain is being caused mutually, please realise this is a heavenly battle too. Wether Palestinian, Jew, Arab, Christian, Muslim on message!; DONT LET SATAN WIN, KICK THE BEAST OUT!
My best blessings to all who love love and hate hate.
Yours truly
Great Britain? Little Shithole. It was a mistake of the Israeli government to comment at all on the decision of those lousy guys.
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I am a conservative Christian pastor. I full heartedly support Israel. I have great admiration for Israel’s prim ministers Benjamin Nateneyahu. He is doing good job. I wanted him to be encouraged and feel confident of his job. Make it known to Hamas that one Israeli soldiers for one thousand hamas solders die. And one Israeli solders a one thousand soldiers in Beruit die. Let the fear dominate in Muslim nut cake.