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Bringing Purim Joy to Israeli Soldiers Far From Home
IDF Announces Tragic Deaths of 8
The IDF has announced the names of 8 soldiers who were tragically killed fighting in Gaza.
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The western press & left wing controlled collegiate administration falsely attempt to draw a very clear delineated line between violent HAMAS & peaceful Palestinians. They blame Israel for killing the peaceful Palestinians who are only described as victims. In fact there is no clearly delineated line between HAMAS & Palestinians.They are one and the same.HAMAS Leadership is 100% Palestinians as are their murderous fighters.The 700 miles of tunnels in GAZA were dug by Palestinians and the Palestinians cheer as thousands of their missiles are launched into Israel as they cheer as civilian Hostages are dragged through their streets and are beaten. Israel need not worry about Palestinian civilian casualties. The only peace for Israel will come after the Palestinians are bombed into the ground and then completely disarmed and restricted from receiving more weapons from Iran.