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Israelis Across the World Unite

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Israeli communities around the world unite at vigils, demonstrations and commemorations for the hostages in Gaza as we mark one month since the Hamas massacre.

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November 09, 2023

May God the Almighty hear and answer with victory the cry of the beloved babies,children, women and men who were murdered by the Terrorists on 7th October 2023, including IDF who have lost their lives in Gaza fighting inself defense馃檹馃檹馃檹馃挆

November 09, 2023

注爪专讜 讗转 讻谞讬住转 讛讟谞拽讬诐 诇注讝讛... 讛讘讬讗讜 讞讬讬诇讬诐, 拽专讜谞讜转 诪讬诐 讜诪讻讜谞讬讜转 讘讟讜谉... 砖讟驻讜 讜住讙专讜 讗转 讻诇 讛诪谞讛专讜转, 讛讬讻讜谞讜 诇诪诇讞诪转 讙专讬诇讛 注讬专讜谞讬转...