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Main Show: Israel Daily News – War Day 10, October 16, 2023

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Border tensions in the north continue rising as the IDF prepares to enter Gaza. US representatives share concern over Israel-Hezbollah escalation, and PM Netanyahu meets with hostage families. And finally, We are joined by Adrian Teiger, from Netzach Yehuda, to discuss the work they are doing at Netzach Yehuda to support the soldiers in need: WWW.NAHALHAREDI.ORG/ISRAELATWAR

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October 16, 2023

May the God of Moses and the Torah of Moses and the Psalms of David be in our spirit and mind.  The war of evil can only be won by God, let us be brave enough to state that in public free from shame.  It is a simple sickness that Israel, the media in Israel, your fine ILTV and the majority of the world suffers.  The sickness dictates that the mouth and the pen cannot turn to God to save us.  May you at ILTV have the guts to ask God to save the Jews from all its enemies.  It is a sweet and truthful request to ask of God.  King David in his psalms requested hundreds of time that God save him and save the Jews and save the world and protect humanity.  Be brave like David the king.  Mrs. Sokol in Jerusalem, great grandma and mother of  IDF soliders