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Israel Daily News – War Day 33, November 08, 2023

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Multiple Gazans take to the safe road holding white flags, as pressure for a humanitarian pause comes from US President Biden, and Prime Minister Netanyahu reaffirms hostages as top priority. And much more.

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November 09, 2023

Prayers for the Protection of Israel as a state, IDF on the Frontlines, IDF families,the successful rescue of the Hostages and complete victory over the Iran, Quarter,Turkey, Russia,China and all forms of terrorism which Israeli if fighting now on behalf the civilised and Christians worldwide.

November 09, 2023

עצרו את כניסת הטנקים לעזה... הביאו חיילים, קרונות מים ומכוניות בטון... שטפו וסגרו את כל המנהרות, היכונו למלחמת גרילה עירונית...

November 08, 2023

Hamas killed themselves when they attacked innocent people in Israel. God save Israel.